17 x 17 cm
Education 2012 - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria 2007 - Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute Of Social Sciences, Doctorate of Painting Programme, Istanbul - TURKEY 2005 - Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master of Painting Programme, Çanakkale - TURKEY 2000 - Trakya University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Edirne - TURKEY 1996 - Trakya University, Faculty of Education, Edirne - TURKEY Private Exhibitions 2007 - Hamburg University Of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg), Hamburg - GERMANY 2006 - Bernau Kultur im Quartier, Bern - Sonne Exhibiti Read more...ewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg), Hamburg - GERMANY 2006 - Bernau Kultur im Quartier, Bern - Sonne Exhibition Hall, Herzogenbuchsee - SWITZERLAND Other Exhibitions 2014 - Turkish Visual Art in CAFA, CHİNA 2014 - Neuviéme Triennal Mondiale de L’Estampe, Chamaliéres Auvergne, FRANCE 2014 - 7. International Bienal of Gravur, PORTUGAL 2013 - Osaka OASIS, OBP Cultural Hall, JAPAN 2013 - Exhibition for Akbank Contemporary Artists, İSTANBUL, TURKEY 2013 - Global Print 2013, PORTUGAL 2013 - OASIS in İstanbul, MSGSÜ Tophane-İ Amire Art Center Beş Kubbe Hall, İSTANBUL, TURKEY 2013 - Gaziantep University, Faculty Of Fine Arts, Basri Erdem Printmaking Exhibition, GAZİANTEP, TURKEY